Deakin University - Melbourne Burwood

Burwood, Victoria, AU

Bachelor of Film, Television and Animation (Honours) (0100299)

Program Summary

Students will take their screen practice to the next level with an honours year. They will build on the practical skills and depth of knowledge developed in the first three years of their degree by undertaking an advanced research project through Deakin University’s Bachelor of Film, Television and Animation (Honours). Students will undergo an elevated study experience to emerge as a critically engaged, highly skilled screen practitioner and researcher.
The honours program opens doors to a career in the screen industry or the opportunity to delve deeper into students’ research with a masters degree or PhD. By completing an additional year of specialized study, they will produce a significant screen production folio and gain that edge future employers are searching for in an industry renowned for its competitiveness.
Students will be treated as an independent screen practitioner and their experience will be quite different from that they have experienced as an undergraduate student.
Students can take a deep dive into screen practice and build knowledge in traditional scholarly research. Deakin University teaches them the fundamental skills of traditional scholarly research so that they can successfully locate their screen practice in the field and critically engage with the work of others.
An honours year allows students the time to focus closely on their screen practice. The course has a deliberate focus to allow them to enter a single degree and receive highly regarded learning experiences in screen practice and research.
After graduating, students can further their studies in research or professional practice by applying for direct entry into second year of the Master of Film and Television by coursework, a Master of Arts by Research, or they could pursue a PhD.
4-Year Bachelor's Degree
$24,818 USD / Year


$0 AUD Application Fee
$24,505 AUD / Year

Cost of Living

Admission Requirements

Academic Background

Minimum Level of Education Completed
Minimum GPA

Other Fee

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