Swansea University - Bay Campus

Swansea, Wales, GB

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Civil Engineering

Program Summary

Program Description

Civil engineers are vital to the design of our built environment. From bridges, tunnels and transport systems, to buildings, flood defences and water management, their performance is fundamental to modern society.
This degree gives students a strong grounding in the design and analysis of Civil Engineering structures. Students will develop complex problem-solving skills, gain the ability to sketch and model engineering solutions and become comfortable preparing technical reports.
As students progress, their developing analytical abilities will combine with hands-on experience of state-of-the-art equipment, establishing skills which are vital to securing employment in the civil engineering industry.
3 year bachelor's degree
$25,523 USD / Year


£0 GBP Application Fee
£12,180 GBP / Year

Cost of Living

Admission Requirements

Academic Background

Minimum Level of Education Completed
Minimum GPA

Other Fee

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