CU London - Dagenham (Part of Coventry University Group)

Dagenham, Greater London, GB

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) – Health and Social Care

Program Summary

This Health & Social Care BA (Hons) degree is composed of theoretical and practical learning modules that underpin the core concepts of health care. The content taught is relevant to both current health care practice and the changing context of health care delivery, while reinforcing the impact of care delivery on patients, their families, carers and the wider health care sector.


The aim of this course is to supply knowledgeable, enthusiastic and skilled individuals for employment and to support the delivery of health and social care within the NHS, Local Authority Services, private health provision, and third sector services.

An optional placement or sandwich year after Year 2 gives students the chance to gain further insight into the industry or career they are seeking to follow, enabling them to apply their theoretical knowledge to the workplace. Students can also choose to take an optional year abroad between years two and three. If students decide to take advantage of a placement year this version of the degree will help them acquire valuable work experience and gain an understanding of what employers seek in graduates. It is each student’s responsibility to find a placement with an employer within their chosen sector. The careers and employability department, alongside the course team, will support students throughout the placement year.

Please note that placement or study abroad opportunities are not guaranteed and that any such opportunities referred to on this webpage may be subject to additional costs (e.g. travel, visas and accommodation etc.), competitive application, availability and/or meeting any applicable visa requirements.

3 year bachelor's degree
$20,986 USD / Year


£0 GBP Application Fee
£12,006 GBP / Year

Cost of Living

Admission Requirements

Academic Background

Minimum Level of Education Completed
Minimum GPA

Other Fee

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